Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The New Year

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So long two thousand and thirteen...

I feel like it's cliche so say that 2013 was a roller coaster, with its ups, downs, twists and turns, but that's just me. The year got off to a rough start for me, but I have so much to be thankful for. A lot has changed since the first of the year. Some things changed drastically, and the changes came so suddenly it was like a a lightning flash. It's there and then it's gone in the blink of an eye.
There were some things that changed for the better, and I have so much to thank the Lord for. I could go on and on of all of the things I'm thankful for, but I'd just like to say this--January 1st, 2013, I never, in my wildest foolish dreams that I had back then, would have thought I would be sitting here writing this, saying how thankful I am for the changes that have been made in me. I've changed a lot in the past year. I've grown a lot. It took a huge awakening for the change to come, but so much good has happened since then. And when something happens, when a person is experiencing struggles like I have, they never imagine that good will come out of it. The emotions they experience are kind of just in the moment emotions, I guess. They're only focused on what's happening right then and there and how crappy those events are. They're not thinking about something good coming out of it. There isn't a ray of hope shining sometimes, but I was lucky enough to have Hope--in Christ alone my hope is found.
God has given me so much good in my life. So many things have changed to show how far I've come since this time last year. There are some things that I never would've thought would happen over the course of 2013, but I'm glad they happened. Most people say that out of struggles good things come, and I can tell you that it's true. In the moment of the crap happening, whatever it is (for me it was losing a loved one), you're not thinking about good coming out of it, but good does. It's hard at first, but then you start moving again and you see the good that's happening. I had some great struggles, but so much good as come out of those struggles. God used what happened as a wake up call to return to Him, and that I did. Now I'm looking forward to another year of pursuing Him.
This time last year I only had a few friends but now I've become more involved at church and I've gotten many more friends, some really great friends, and I'm really thankful to have them there for me. 
2013 had so much good come out of it, but all of these good things God has done for me aren't all that happened. 
-I read through the Bible. I started late in January so I probably accidentally skipped some but I can't remember what I may or may not have skipped. I know I read into Genesis, but I can't remember where I technically started, but I know I ended in Revelation! On New Year's Eve I finished my read through, and today I started again using the new Bible I got for Christmas. Last year I followed a schedule to get through it in a year, but I think this year I might just read through it at my own pace. I didn't mind being on a schedule, but it was in chronological order and I didn't really like how it bounced around. Sure, it was in chronological order, but I think I would've rather have preferred reading John around the time I read Matthew, Mark and Luke instead of waiting a week or so to read John. 
-I finished writing two novels, even if one is a monster in length and the other is crap and they both need to be either edited or rewritten, and then I started working on the third novel. They're all apart of the trilogy, and I'm hoping to finish it soon so I can go back and work on making the changes that need to be made.
-I made some great amazing friends and spent quite a bit of time with them. 
-I started listening to Christian music more, and I enjoy it more than the secular stuff I used to listen to and sometimes I get so bored of the secular music that I don't want to listen to anything other than Christian music.
-Piano! After years of wanting to take piano, I finally started taking lessons in September. It seems like it's going well, too. 
-I went to Niagara Falls and Canada. I'm not going to post the details of the trip here, but my brother and I went to Canada. 
I could go on with this, but to be honest I'm getting bored with trying to remember all of the new things in this past year, so I'm going to go on to what I'm hoping to do with 2014. Mind you, just because I'm posting it on the internet doesn't mean that I'll actually get around to it. I might procrastinate until next year.
-Write in a prayer journal at least once a day. Between Christmas and the Canada trip, I bought three journals and was gifted a few others, for a total of nine journals acquired in two weeks. So I need something to do with those journals, and my friend suggested a prayer journal, which is a great idea because that's something I enjoy.
-Read more. I may be a writer, but when I have some spare time, I would rather sit at my desk and write rather than take the time to read. I have a lot of books that need to be read, so hopefully this year I can actually read through them.
-Finish the third novel in my trilogy. It still has a long way to go, but I should be able to reach "the end" before next year.
-Graduate highschool, go to prom, start my college adventure. That pretty much says it all right there!
I think that's about it. I don't want to overwhelm myself with things I'll never get around to. I don't know what 2014 has in store for me, but I'm excited to find out!
And on one last note, I thank God for everything He's done for me in the past year. The way I see it, you can be broken, but He comes in and fixes those broken places so that His light can shine through the cracks. We're here to be lights in the world for God's glory, and if it means being a little bit broken, and still beautiful at the broken places when His light shines through, I'm okay with that. hello two thousand and fourteen!