The Novels & WIPs

The Novel

Here's a bit about my novel. It's just one novel, for right now. The rest are simply ideas that haven't escaped my head or sprung out of the pages of my notebook, while some of them I don't feel comfortable sharing. I have a lot of ideas, but I'm dedicating all of my time to TDRH. Editing is a tough job. 

-The Daughter of Robin Hood 

Right now, this is the only serious project I'm working on right now. It's about Lenora "Lee" Hood. She ran away from her father, Robin Hood, and three years later she's ready to move on. She has her own band of thieves and they've made successful names for themselves, stealing from the rich and keeping the treasures for themselves, but she's ready to stop running from the authorities and go into permanent hiding, without her thieves by her side. Before she does that, she announces to them that she wants to pull off one last heist. She tells her thieves that she wants to steal Hoods Windsor's prince's fortune and then scatter off in different directions. They agree to this, but when they arrive in Hoods Windsor, they discover that it's going to be harder than they thought. Robin Hood is there, threatening the reveal of her true identity. Right now it is going through the quite troublesome editing process. I'll let you know if I make it out alive.
TDRH Pinterest board

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